Friday, December 17, 2004

December 17

Well, it is very near to Christmas Day. Last night, as I was watching the news, the weather report said that we may get a slight chance of snow showers on the day of Dec 22-24! I was very glad to hear that, but I am not sure if we are going to get snow showers until I see it. You know the rest, right? As far as training goes, you can still have alot of energy in the winter season. It doesn't have to be called, " The winter blues." I think that is very silly to call that. If it is sunny outside, take your dog for a walk, breathe the fresh cold air, and feel the energy inside. The more you move, the better you burn energy! Now, for those of you have been watching the "Biggest Loser." I am amazed by the fact the trainers have pushed the people to the limit to lose weight. Several people have been kicked out by the vote at the end of the show were losing more weight and they look the best EVER! Can you believe it? Sure, I can because with all the exerices they have performed by the expert trainers or with a good minded personal trainers who have found the saftest way to lose weight. Now, you may be thinking, I like the way I am or I think I am okay. You really don't know until you take a picture of yourself or look at yourself in the video. You might be surprise how you look in the pictures or in the video. I have heard many people are afraid to change. Why the heck are they afraid to change? What's there to lose? NOTHING! What are you waiting for? I think you have encourage to lose weight and get excited! I really believe if you start losing weight today, I mean TODAY not tomorrow or the next month, TODAY - you will be feel much better and have better energy that you never had! I will get some testimonial from a client of mine who lost several pounds and lost inches around the waist! I do remembered when she said, "I have never been this healthy before in my entire life and I want to become healthier and to get more energy! You are motiving me to come to your studio. I am very excited about this." If you are serious about getting in shape, then I sugguest you do something about it. You may have heard other people have said this to you. Boy, Ben is killing me every time I go his studio. I don't kill them! I work with them on their muscles to get those muscles to become activated and stronger. It is never called the torture gym- that is because you never have gotten the time to exercise and maybe a lack of committment/promises that you have made in the past. Or a lack of motivation- whatever the reasons are. If you want someone to work with you to help you to get in shape, then 2005 is the year may be the best for you to get in SHAPE. You can always go to and search for personal trainers. Give a try and email your trainers and start make your life much healthier! Enjoy your day and make your committment come true. May God bless you everyday and that He will richly dwell in your life today. So long!