Thursday, May 03, 2007

9 biggest Nutritional Mistakes

Hi everyone, hope you are enjoying this new blog. My name is Ben and I am a certified personal trainer. I am from Tuscaloosa and I am sure you have heard the radio personality named Nancy Wilson has been talking about a personal trainer. Here are the nine biggest nutritional mistakes.
Hitting in the weights in the gym will not help you to get results- only how much diet nutritional you are eating or taking and how well you take care of your body. Are you ready to find out what what are the nine mistakes? Hope so! Ready? Let's move to...
1. Not eating enough of protein- how much should you take? The RDA recommend 30 percent of protein. As a result, most fitness people take about one gram of protein for every pound of body weight is an ideal. You may be thinking, "What? That is too much protein!" Think about it, you are young or old- your muscle tissues are dying to repair and grow new fibers everyday. You are growing and aging quickly because you are to move around and your muscle tissues need to recuperate and repairing. You only need complete protein- that is like chicken, red meat, turkey, fish, eggs, and whey protein powder.
2. Not enough of food intake through out the day
As a general rule, you should eat every 3 or 4 hours. Eat 4-6 small meals a day. This will elevate your metabolism. You will lose weight because you are taking good carbohydrates, fat, and protein. By raising your metabolism will lead to fat burning machine. As a rule of a thumb, you need to get protein every 2-3 hours apart. It is no surprising that your muscles stores in the body for 3-4 hours in the blood stream. So create and maintain to lean, tone, and muscle building supplying it every 3 hours. That is alot of muscles to die after 3 hours later and this is why lot of senior citizens do not use the muscles tissues because they do not exercise with weights. Therefore the muscles mass has almost no muscle tissues. Check your grandmother or grandfather and feel the arms. Believe me, you will be shocked!
3. Not enough of calories
You need to eat clean well balanced diet that has better calories to be put into your body. IF you are trying to get results- regardless how hard you try to lose or gain weight- you are not getting enough of calories you need to feed your body. You must prioritize lean, complete proteins and follow 1,2,3 rule of macro nutrients intake which says that every meal you should have one part of fat, 2 part of protein, and 3 part of carbohydrates. That is why you need protein powder to keep up your protein intake ahead of time. Okay? Good!
4. Not enough of water!
Yes it is true, if you are not drinking enough of water- you will not be able to see results. Your body needs about 70 percent of water. IF you are exercising and sweating alot- this means that you can lead to dehydration. Unless you replace water you lose. Once your muscles are dehydrated, they will take alot longer to repair themselves- which means it will stop the muscle growth! Without sufficient amount of water the kidneys will struggle to remove the metabolic waste products. If you do drink ice cold water, it will help to speed up the metabolism quickly.
5. Okay folks, I know you are NOT going to be excited about this. If you are drinking too much alcohol, then I suggest you to read why.
IF you are serious about getting tone, fit, and lean muscular look- you can not afford to drink your potential away ( WHAT A WASTE!!). Alcohol consumption needs to be very minimal or non-existent. Here's why. 7 calories per gram alcohol is the second most calorie dense nutrient behind FAT. Alcohol will sabotage your body's fat burning ability and also it will cause to dehydrate the body and to suppresses the testosterone/estrogen production. The bottom line is drinking too much may be what it takes to be a man/woman, but he/she will be fat and pathetically muscle free. You deserve better than that period!
6. Not planning meals ahead of time!
It doesn't matter how good the intentions are, the crushing pace of modern living is bound to threaten your nutritional plans. It is absolutely vital that you plan your daily eating advance. Here's how- each night, plan your coming daily activity and figure out how you are going to get the food you need to eat every 3 hours, prepare the coming day's food the night before, cook in bulk plan ahead for when you are traveling and prepare foods that help you avoid buying junk. Got it? Hope so people!
7. Not keeping a nutritional journal log book
Keeping a log is a great idea! It will help you to know what you eat is cumbersome, but it is the only way that you will identify what is causing your body to shed fat and grow more muscles. Without it, you will never learn, benefit from your nutritional past. A good diet journal log including date, time, food type, carb, protein, fat, calories breakdown and the like. A short note about your energy levels will be very helpful for future reference. Every 2-3 weeks-record your waist measurement with muscle girth and body fat analysis every month.
8. Not taking enough of vitamins
If you are deficient in any vitamin minerals, or trace element, your muscle building endeavors will be compromised. In today's world, we can't just assume we will get those essentials from the balanced diet - over processing foods and pesticides have really killed that idea. A good multivitamin is essential. Look for the one that does not have aluminum- can hurt your brain cells, but look for good A complex, B Complex, C, D, E (here only certain type- be sure it is gamma, delta, and beta type. If you read the label that says dl- avoid buying that), K vitamins and the minerals calcium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, and selenium.
Goodness forbid, why in the earth that there are so many people eating way, way, too much sugar! Arnold S. has been said that "WHITE SUGAR IS WHITE DEATH!" Now, just because you can't see it doesn't mean it is not there. This is especially true of soda. In fact your average two liter bottle of soft drink contain over 100 table of spoons of sugar. That is whole lot of white death! So stop fooling yourself an cut out those muscle depleting hidden sugar. If you don't believe me, do this way. Get a glass, spoon, and white sugar. Dip your spoon in the sugar container and pour them in the glass about 100 times. Tell me what you think? That means that you are drinking that much sugar into your body! You will be disgusted, and that is for sure!

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