Friday, May 04, 2007

How well do you workout?

Hi everyone! Thank goodness today is FRIDAY!! Don't you just love the weekends? I do, because I know that I don't have to do anything till Monday. Well, on the second thought, I am working on the business at home most of the time and cleaning up the house. Anyone volunteer to help me to clean up. Ha, guess NOT! Okay, the question I want to ask each of you is this. How well do you workout? Do you workout hard, easy or medium? How is your form? Are you feeling the muscles working there correctly? Today I was at the gym, it was quite crowded there where I go workout to escape my office without interruptions. I love to hit the weights and I love being in the gym- what can I say? I have watched lot of these gym members working out and they move the weights horrible! I don't know why they do it, but they do need a personal trainer or someone that knows the correct form. For instance, let's just say that you are doing the lateral dumbbell raise. That is when you hold the dumbbells on both hands. The starting position is have your hand on the side of the thighs- as your raise them up slowly, bend your elbow slightly and turn your thumb facing the floor while you raise the dumbbells. You want to go shoulder level and not higher. If you go higher-- you are working more on the frontal shoulder muscles than the medial shoulder muscles. In most cases, I have seen lot of gym members raised the arm straight as they go shoulder level. I have to say that must hurt two things: the elbow joint, and muscle pull on the shoulder. I recommend you do it slowly till you get it right. If you do think that your form is sloppy, then drop the weight down to 5 percent and practice your form over and over till you know you get it right.
Until then, I will talk to you later.
Go out there and be fit and tone folks!

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